NEBRA Incorporation and Voting FAQ

What is the New England Bicycle Racing Association (NEBRA)?

NEBRA is an independent 501c3 non profit organization, incorporated in the State of Maine in 2002 as the New England Cycling Federation. From the outset we have done business as The New England Bicycle Racing Association.

The New England Bicycle Racing Association’s mission is to advance, develop and support the bike racing community and the sport of cycling in New England. We are dedicated to fostering an environment that provides lifelong opportunities in the sport for all participants, promoters and supporters.


Why is it this way?

The New England Bicycle Racing Association has existed in various forms since the 1980’s. NEBRA was incorporated in its current format as a response to struggles in the region’s relationship with USA Cycling (which had evolved out of the United States Cycling Federation in 1995). At the time of our incorporation there was no clear successor / alternative sanctioning body to USA Cycling. NEBRA was created to unite New England, create bargaining power with USA Cycling and if necessary, provide an alternative if clubs/race directors/riders decided to leave USA Cycling. Since 2003 NEBRA has served as the contracted Local Association in New England for USA Cycling. 

What is NEBRA’s governance structure?

NEBRA has a seven member Board of Directors. 

The Board of Directors votes to appoint/hire:

Officers: a President, Vice President and Secretary. 

A Registered Agent of the Corporation and a Treasurer, who currently are non Board members. 

A single paid employee, the Administrator. 

One stipend administrative role, the Officials Coordinator.

Board of Directors terms are two years, and the terms are staggered over those two years. 4 seats come up for vote one year and 3 seats the next.

Directors are voted in by a simple majority of the Members of the Corporation at the Annual Meeting. Should a Director resign before their term is up the Board of Directors is empowered to appoint a replacement to serve out the remainder of that term.

Why is it this way?

Non-profits are chartered state by state. In Maine, we are chartered as a Title 13-B corporation ( Non-profits are membership corporations as opposed to stock corporation. We have no capital stock and there are no shareholders. When a non-profit is formed, it creates a set of by-laws it is governed by. The by-laws define who is a member and under what circumstances they may vote. In our case, the decision was made that clubs would be eligible for membership if they were based in NE and joined NEBRA by paying a nominal annual fee. Later membership was expanded to Race Directors* when that license was created by USA Cycling. 

What is a Member of the Corporation and who is eligible to become a Member?

Membership in NEBRA is on an annual basis and is currently open to USA Cycling licensed Clubs and standalone Race Directors* with a licensed address in one of the 6 New England States. Members can join at anytime- to vote in elections they must join at least one day before the election closes. Members can join online here:

Why is it this way?

The original intention of NEBRA was to serve as an organization of New England Clubs, who at the time promoted virtually all of the events in New England. At the time of NEBRA’s founding every club was required to promote or co-promote an event. NEBRA was created in part to support that club structure which created a vibrant event calendar that did not live or die with any individual promoter.

Why do members have to join NEBRA at an extra cost?

NEBRA is an independent organization, separate from USA Cycling. As such we cannot automatically confer membership onto every licensed club/race director in New England. NEBRA’s contract with USA cycling allows NEBRA to make membership mandatory (with restrictions) but from its inception membership has always been optional. Our view continues to be that Clubs and Race Directors should want to be members of NEBRA, but they should not be forced to be members. Membership dues are intentionally set low to encourage clubs to join. NEBRA currently waives the fee for clubs that promote a USA Cycling permitted event.

Why are there no individual members of NEBRA?

Currently ‘membership’ applies to the legal definition in the NEBRA bylaws. There are separate options for individuals and non USA Cycling licensed club/entities to become ‘supporters’ of NEBRA. Supporting the club structure was a founding element for NEBRA, so the current structure incentivized individuals to become active members of clubs. 

What is the difference between a Club and a standalone Race Director? 

A club is licensed by USA Cycling and can be composed of racing and non racing members. Within those clubs there can be designated race directors who organize events. For the purposes of NEBRA membership a club receives one vote, regardless of whether or not it has race directors or the number of events it organizes. A standalone Race Director is an independent individual or company licensed by USA Cycling solely for the purpose of organizing competitive events. 

Why is it this way?

Race directors were added to the membership mix as USA Cycling looked to create a way for individuals and companies to promote competitive events without becoming clubs. This had previously been done via “clubs” that had only one member, but the thought was a Race Director technical license with a certification process was more appropriate and professional. The Race Director Certification program at USA Cycling was short lived, and currently those “technical licences” like the Race Director are being reexamined by USA Cycling. 

What “made” NEBRA? Down the rabbit hole:

A letter from the Tennessee Bicycle racing Association to USAC about the elimination of the District Reps in 1999

Les Earnest article on who will control cycling in 2001:

The resignation of Lisa Voight:

The USAC CEO who came to the meeting in Palmer where the LA concept was born:

And the aftermath: